Thursday, October 17, 2013

Mommy Must Haves: October Favorites

I did a post a while ago on Baby Must Haves for the first 6 months. Lately I've been thinking about Mommy (or Anybody!) Must Haves. Here are a few things that made my Mommy Must Have List for October!

  • Pretty stationery. In this digital age, there is nothing better than receiving a hand-written note. Ok, that's a bold statement. We know wine and Starbucks pumpkin spice lattes are better, but it's nice to see someone make the actual effort of writing you a note. When I was little, I hated how my mom made me write hundreds of thank you notes for even the smallest of things. But now, I am so glad she did. Being thoughtful is something lots of kids these days aren't taught. Thanks Marmi! My latest favorite place to order stationery is They are having a 40% off sale right now. Check it out!
  • Sally Hansen Insta-Dri nail polish in Gone Grey. I've tried lots of colors lately and this is a new fave. My last post mentioned this brand of polish and I can't say enough good things about it. Sally is my girl for nail polish. LOVE this stuff! It dries SUPER fast so it's great for those of us with limited time. The brush is wide too so it just takes a few strokes per nail. When I need to paint my nails, I line up my supplies at the kitchen table and the very second that R goes down for a nap, I paint my nails. Not one second later. Or they won't be dry when he wakes up. Usually I'm sweating bullets praying that this is not the nap where he fakes me out for 10 minutes then is screaming to get up again. "Have you heard of wet nails little baby? Oh, you still want me to pick you up?...."
  • Dr. Teal's Lavender Foaming Bath. I found this at Target last week. I love taking a scalding hot bath after Robby goes to bed. This bubble bath gets nice and foamy and smells like heaven. Lavender lovers, you will dig this. If you just close your eyes and inhale, you might be able to trick yourself into thinking that you are at a far away spa resort without your husband and kids. Open your eyes....and ugh, you're just in your own bathroom. #sometimesrealitybites. What am I saying? I LOVE being home to clean someone else's butt and wipe drool all day. I really do! Having a kid has been the most fun ever. After the first eight weeks.
  • Land's End monogrammed button-up shirts. These are so, so, so great. The last thing I want to do in the morning is spend a bazillion minutes picking out what to wear. I got these in three different colors/patterns and wear them all the time. They go with just about anything - jeans, colored denim, or even black leggings/pants. These awesome shirts make me look more pulled together than I really am. #appearancesaredeceiving. And monograms are fun.
That completes my October mommy must haves (for this week anyway). Anyone have a great new product I should know about? Do share!

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